"Aaa..dek!" that's how Im pronounce adik..loud and clear! By the way, im going to be abang soon and should get it right by now! and i love to kiss aaadek kat mana2 saje yg sempat di kiss (adik fiqah!)
Raif loves playing ball
- mula2 undur2 sikit pastu baru sepak bola ok
- im obsesses to any round shape like ball n balloon! suka tgk buku gambar ball!
Raif loves books
- last weekend Raif pegi Pesta Buku kat kompleks ada banyakkk buku murah2..ayah n ibu belikan Raif buku besar and kecik2..byk gambar..pening raif tgk.
- i can tell which is ball, buah, bas, ak..ak..ak (ayam!), tutu (susu) and etc..
Raif loves joget
-smlm Raif joget lagu 60-an and ayah gelak nak pengsan!
-mcm ni..goyang tgn dua-dua mcm ayam tuu ke depan & belakang..got it?
Raif suka buat stunt/acrobatic
-mcm ni..buat gaya merangkak tu..dan angkat sebelah kaki
-berdiri atas motor Raif sambil ckp ngok..ngokk (tengok!)
Raif loves playing ball
- mula2 undur2 sikit pastu baru sepak bola ok
- im obsesses to any round shape like ball n balloon! suka tgk buku gambar ball!
Raif loves books
- last weekend Raif pegi Pesta Buku kat kompleks ada banyakkk buku murah2..ayah n ibu belikan Raif buku besar and kecik2..byk gambar..pening raif tgk.
- i can tell which is ball, buah, bas, ak..ak..ak (ayam!), tutu (susu) and etc..
Raif loves joget
-smlm Raif joget lagu 60-an and ayah gelak nak pengsan!
-mcm ni..goyang tgn dua-dua mcm ayam tuu ke depan & belakang..got it?
Raif suka buat stunt/acrobatic
-mcm ni..buat gaya merangkak tu..dan angkat sebelah kaki
-berdiri atas motor Raif sambil ckp ngok..ngokk (tengok!)